Sunday, December 18, 2011


When I started this blog, I knew there would probably come a day when the writing started to fall away, and the time I spent philosophizing on here would diminish.  That time has come, friends.  I started to notice it a couple of weeks ago.  It's a busy time of year.  I want to write more.  I'm certainly thinking about a lot of things.  Lately I've felt there just aren't enough hours in the day to do all of what I'm supposed to do (of which I've hardly done any).  I propose the 26-hour day.  That would really help me out with my messed up circadian rhythm, which I'm convinced is on a cycle way longer than 24 hours.  Woe is me.

I promise, though, that as soon as I find the odd hour, I will write furiously every notion I've got in my skull.

Here we go, Day 126:

1 comment:

  1. It's funny. I'm a big advocate for the 30 hour day but I'll take 26. Let's go to Washington to start the process and the we'll probably have to go the Hague and talk to some people about it. What say you?

    ....or we could be a little more subversive and invent some kind of sliding Greenwich Meridian so we could get a few extra hours when we need 'em *OR* take a couple off. Especially when the day sucks.....that'd be cool...
