Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Just is.

I don't know how this sounds to all of you, but it felt just right.  I'm gonna go with it.  Without even listening to it.

It's a one. 

Here we go, Day 86: https://ia600504.us.archive.org/9/items/Improv11811/11_8_119_01Pm.mp3

Take that, reason!

1 comment:

  1. This is indeed a "one'. Largely, I think, because of the melodic content....but then the texture as well...and well, the development too. And also because it reminds me of Prokofiev. Great stuff. It encompasses the range of the spectrum without trying too.

    Great words also. Corsair. We've never spoken of peaty and smoky flavors but those are a favorite.
