Wednesday, November 23, 2011


The one hundredth post.  Man.  I wish today's improv would've been more to my satisfaction in celebration of this momentous occasion.

Settling is not my strong suit.

For the record, I was sitting on the floor to do this.  It was the only way I could effectively play inside my tiny instrument.  And now... in the revision, (that you have no perspective of, because I can edit, and whatever, at my whim in past, present, future tense...) ...

Here we go, Day 100:

And, as an afterthought, hours later...

... if you had to give up a sense... what is the hierarchy?  Marc says sight is most important.  Gavin and I claim hearing and smell are reigning above.  What about you?  We all agree, though quite sensuous, taste is the last to go.

And now, thinking about it a bit, it's what gives us a three-dimensional perspective... no?

1 comment:

  1. Well...I've proven that common sense is expendable at times. The nice thing about giving this one up is that it's a temporary condition...and occasionally fun...well, not always but the potential is there. I like the temporary aspect since the other senses are all pretty important to me. Also, wouldn't you say that giving up common sense is sometimes allows you getting to have your cake and eat too? But this is probably breaking the rules somehow. Too bad...

    On another note. I love this improv. It musically surprised me and thematically, it's the clearest I've heard from you. For some reason, the other thought that came to mind was "confident". It sounded fully committed and strong.....nice.

    More "inside the piano" stuff please!
