Saturday, August 11, 2012

Flip the coin.

I have to admit that even though I'm almost at the end of this project, I've become worn out by it.  Instead of a feeling of adrenaline to the last push, I've felt a little bit resigned lately.  Maybe I'll get the kick in the next couple of days.  Maybe not.  But I'm surprised by it all.  Maybe it's just August, the heat and humidity, and I'm still just trying to get back into a New York groove.

The ebb and flow of life is remarkable to me.  That one day we can feel so thrilled, and shortly thereafter shrug our shoulders.  That anger or sadness dissipates over time, but sometimes, so does joy and excitement.  When we flip the coin, there's no telling how it will land.  But the two sides are always inevitably there, and the balance is always there.  And the unpredictability is predictable.  If there's one thing I would want to do with my life, it would be to flip the coin so that it lands on it's finger-worn, smooth edge; rolling off the table, onto the floor and out the door.  It's balanced like that, too, you see?

Here we go, Day 363:

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